Sunday, September 18, 2011

Please join us at our new home

We're going to be phasing out this blog and the sister "pet health action" blog in order to consolidate all of our writing in one place.  I'll leave this blog up because a lot of people hit it searching for information about Lymphangiectasia, but this will be my last new post here.  The "Louie Saving" phase of my life is pretty much done and now we've moved forward to helping others as we can.

In the past year, Louie's Facebook page has grown and, with it, my own desire to focus on where I can make a difference for companion animals.  We hope that our new website at and our new blog at will be avenues for exploring how best to make that happen.

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to this blog and/or promoted it in some way.  Please come and join us at the new site.


Louie's Mom

1 comment:

  1. The latest post at
