Monday, August 23, 2010

URGENT--California AB 2000 Action Alert "Molly's Bill"

This image shows how Louie was sickened by his last rabies vaccine.  AB 2000 seeks to allow legal exemptions from vaccination for dogs like Louie who are too sick to vaccinate. 
Please make 3 calls: Appropriations Committee (916-651-4101), Senator Kehoe (916) 651-4039, Monica Wagoner Dept. Health (916) 440-7502 ask them to stop playing politics with the lives of California's sick dogs and get this bill passed.

Saulo Londono called from AM Hagman's office with an update. Apparently the problem with this bill lies with the Deputy Director of Legislative & Governmental Affairs in the Department of Health, Monica Wagoner (916) 440-7502, who claims they will need to hire a 1/2 time research scientist for 18 months at the cost of $160,000 to put this bill through the regulatory process. Other states, such as Maine, did not have to hire anyone to process their medical exemption regulation in 2005, the Department of Health staff processed it. Monica Wagoner is the same person who wrote a letter to California legislators on June 8th opposing the rabies medical exemption after the mandatory quarantine clause was removed. Please call Monica Wagoner's office and tell her that this cost is ridiculous and that other states did not take 18 months to process a medical exemption clause into their regulations, and they did not have to hire a research scientist either.

Two other calls to make: Senate Appropriations Committee (916) 651-4101 and Appropriations Chair, Senator Christine Kehoe at (916) 651-4039 -- tell them to stop playing politics with the lives of California's sick dogs and get this bill voted out of the "Suspense File" and sent to the Senate Floor for a vote.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Holistic treatments for lymphangiectasia

I am asked on occasion if I know of any good holistic treatments for this disease.  I wish I did.  I have had Louie to holistic vets with little success.  The best treatment I know has been adhering to a low fat diet with proteins that are non irritating to his intestines.

For the majority of dogs, that means the Royal Canin Digestive or Gastrointestial Low Fat diets.  If your dog can tolerate that food, by all means, feed it.

Let me say that again:  If your dog can tolerate the Royal Canin Low Fat diet, then feed it.  Do not dink around trying to find a "healthier" option.  You can easily kill a dog that way, and that's not what I call healthy.

IF your dog does not do well on the commercial diet, that is the time to think about what else might work.  What works for us is different, but only by necessity.  If I could feed the current product being offered by Royal Canin, I would.